Made of Excellence.

Enjoy Our Healthy
Delicious Coffee

EKARE Coffee is grown on the Higher slopes of Mt. Elgon in the Bugishu, Sebei and the Rwenzori Regions of Uganda at an altitude above 1,200m.

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Ekare Coffee is of the Arabica Variety; it is grown in the fertile volcanic soils on the slopes of the Mt. Elgon and Mt. Rwenzori.

  • Arabica Specialty coffee is handled differently from other varieties of coffee grown in these regions. Our coffee is grown at very high altitudes, over 1,200 meters, and is grown in the fertile Volcanic Soils on the slopes of the Mt. Elgon and Mt. Rwenzori.
  • Our Signature Blends include; Arabica Specialty (100%) washed, Natural Arabica, Arabica Honey Processed, Arabica Green Coffee, Natural Robusta and Washed Robusta. All these are available at the client’s request.
  • We offer both roasted and green beans to our export market. Our roasted beans come in Blonde, Medium, Medium Dark, Dark and very Dark Roasts.

Coffee exports for 12 months to October 2020, totaled to 5,409,054 bags worth $513.99m compared to 4,465,534 bags worth $435.81m the previous year. This represents a 20% and 18% increase in both quantity and value.

Bettter experience with Ekare Coffee

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Why Choose Ekare Coffee?

EKARE Coffee is of both Arabica and Robusta varieties. It is grown in the fertile Volcanic Soils on the slopes of the Mt. Elgon and Mt. Rwenzori. According to traditions of the Sebei, one of ethnicities inhabiting Mt. Elgon alongside the Bagishu and the Ndorobo; coffee has been grown on Mt. Elgon that the Bagishu call Mt. Masaba for centuries

Quality Atmosphere

EKARE Coffee is grown on the Higher slopes of Mt. Elgon in the Bugishu, Sebei and Mt. Rwenzori Regions of Uganda at an altitude above 1,200m.

Professional Skills

The Coffee is sourced from about 2,876 Speciality Coffee farmers; whose average coffee farm is about 3 acres for each farmer.

Generational Farmers

Many of these farmers are 3rd and 4th generational coffee farmers. The Coffee is carefully pulled, washed and meticulously dried.

How it is Processed

Washing: Only the perfectly ripe red cherries are picked. The Harvested cherries are poured into a pool of water and only those that sink are chosen for pulping to make premium coffee. Sun or Solar Drying

After the washing process, drying starts immediately under the sun on raised surface or on solar powered dryer.

Bean Fermentation: After the pulping process the coffee beans are put in a tank for fermentation between 12 to 48 hours.

Quality Assurance

We pay attention to Quality: Our specialty coffee is grown differently, carefully harvested, washed and meticulously dried.

A team of well trained professionals is hired to ensure the quality standardss are adhered to.

Our Capacity

Ekare Coffee has been in operations within and outside Uganda for the past 15years and still counting; Eporting our coffee beans to USA, England and some parts of Europe.

The coffee is sourced from about 920 Specialty Coffee Farmers, whose coffee farm is about 3acres for each farmer. Many of these farmers are 3rd and 4th generational coffee farmers. The coffee is carefully pulled, washed and meticulously dried.



What Are They Saying About Us

Very good coffee, i like the taste. This is rich coffee. Ekare you mean what you say.

Gregory Tumuhise

Ceo & Founder

I love ekare coffee. Its my favorite part of the day, when I get to drink your coffee.

Sara Peyy



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